Speaking Engagement Topics
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Attorneys will speak on the following topics at no charge upon request:
Advocating for individuals with the following disabilities across the lifespan:
- Developmental Disabilities (e.g. Autism, Cerebral Palsy, Down Syndrome, Prader Willi Syndrome; Chromosomal Abnormalities)
- Learning Disabilities (e.g. Dyslexia, Dyscalculia, Dysgraphia)
- Mental Illness (e.g. Bipolar Disorder, Schizophrenia)
- Behavioral Disorders (e.g. Oppositional Defiant Disorder)
- Attention Difficulties (e.g. ADD/ADHD)
- Traumatic Brain Injuries
- Mental Retardation/Intellectual Disabilities
- Overview of Special Education
- Parental Rights in Special Education
- Eligibility for Special Education and Related Services: More than just grades
- IEP v. Section 504 Plan: What's the difference?
- FAPE: What is "appropriate" anyway?
- IEP Review: Free 20 minute consultations with Hillary to review the IEP
- Accessing related services from the school district
- Bullying across environments
- Divorced parents: Protect your special needs child
- Least Restrictive Environment: Determining the proper placement for your child
- Behaviors in school: How should they be addressed?
- Transition Planning: Prepare your special needs child for life beyond high school
- Roles and Responsibilities of the IEP team
- Lose the IEP without losing the student
- Truancy v. School Refusal
- Defining roles and responsibilities of school districts, insurance companies and state agencies
- Due Process: Challenging the IEP
- Guardianship v. Power of Attorney
- Estate Planning (including an explanation of Special Needs Trusts)
- Supplemental Security Income ("SSI")/Medicaid
- Accessing adult services for individuals with disabilities: Day and Residential programs
- Accessing accommodations in college and/or standardized tests
- Growing up as a sibling of a child with a developmental disability
All Speaking Engagements are free of charge. If you do not see a topic on this list that you or your group may be interested in learning about, please do not hesitate to ask.