Placement Considerations
By Hillary D. Freeman, Esq.
After the IEP is developed, a decision must be made about where the student will be placed to receive the special education and related services set forth in the IEP. The placement decision selected must be appropriate, meaning that it is able to deliver all of the services and supports specified in the IEP, and it must also be in the Least Restrictive Environment, meaning that the student will be educated as close to home as possible, and to the greatest extent with students who do not have disabilities.
For some children, the IEP might involve classroom modification, or individual instruction or therapy. Other children might require placement in a special class or a private school which specializes in serving children with their disability. Private schools can provide services on a day or a residential basis.
Freeman Law Offices, LLC is available to help you in securing an appropriate IEP for your special needs child. Please call us at (609) 454-5609 or email us through our website for assistance.